Friday, July 23, 2010

Slicing & Drying Strawberries!

Since I had such great success drying the pineapple, I thought, "Why not try strawberries too?" Strawberries are cheap in the summer and everyone in my family loves them. I found a pint at my local grocery store for 88 cents! Here I go again...

I have special tools I use for slicing strawberries and I highly recommend them. One tool hulls the leaves out of the top, and the second tool is a strawberry-shaped slicer which makes about 1/8 inch slices (perfect for quicker drying).

One Pint of Strawberries = Approx. 3 Dehydrator Trays or 1/3 Quart
Drying Temperature: 115 degrees
Drying Time: 12 hours

The dried strawberries are not as sweet as the pineapple was and they have taken on an intense tartness that will make you pucker. Maybe this would be a good option for the honey dipping method described in the book I am following. (You can find the book here.)

On to bananas!!

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