How to Kill Aphids
When I started this perfect little garden of mine, I never though that my plants would have pests. My stomach sank when I saw the greedy little green aphids on my lettuce. I panic every time I see a microscopic orange mite crawling in the dirt. I hunt those tiny fly-like bugs that cling to my tomato leaves and squash them out of fear.
I have never seen so many bugs! I knew that aphids were bad news and I found an easy organic solution, thankfully. But there are so many others and I have read online that some pests are beneficial. Its confusing and I need to know how to handle my garden correctly.
To kill the aphids, I tried this little recipe on my lettuce:
- 3-5 drops of a mild, fragrance free, liquid dish soap
- 1/2 teaspoon of cooking oil
- Fill the rest of a water spray bottle with water. I used a cheap small 12 oz bottle.
Shake it up and spray a stream of the liquid on your plants. It worked like a charm for me. They fell off the leaves and I haven't seen them since. Please understand that I have only used this method for a couple methods may not be full proof, but it is working so far.
And the best part is my lettuce still tastes great after a quick rinse.